Did you know that we have two brains? Obviously, we all have a brain in our heads. And while you might not know much about the “second brain” (which is in your gut, by the way), you’ve probably “felt” it before — “butterflies” in your stomach when nervous, “sick to my stomach” when disappointed or simply a “gut feeling” about a situation. Caring for both brains is essential for optimal mental wellness!
What’s really cool is that our two brains also talk to each other through the gut-brain axis (GBX) — a complex network of nerves, cells and biochemicals. This network includes 100 trillion bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal system (our “microbiome”) and help promote good health in a variety of ways.
The good news is that I use & recommend unique products that deliver specific bacteria that nourish the gut-brain axis for superior mental wellness. In particular, the FundaMentals Pack provides a unique blend of ingredients that help support mental & physical wellness. Follow this link www.B3forMe.com to learn more.
To your BEST life,