Biz Coaching Moment:
The 8 Steps That Got My Facebook page In Front of 1 MILLION People in September
1. Change WHY you are posting
Yes we are all in business and we all want to make sales. But people are tired of being sold to. You can’t just impress someone into buying from you.
Instead, I focus on IMPACTING people. I write content that can get a RESULT for the reader, whether that’s inspiration and energy, or a specific how-to post like this one. If people get results with your free stuff, you can be sure they will hunt you down to give you money for even MORE results down the line 📷:)
2. Focus on your IDEAL clients
Do you even know who they are? I don’t mean some demographic like “female coaches ages 25-40”. I mean like specifics – something like “coaches earning 7 figures who need help with building a team”. Once you know who your ideal clients are, write ONLY to them.
So in the 7-fig coach example above, we’d never write about starting a business (not relevant to that level of client), or how to write an email sequence (not relevant to their problem). Instead we’d write about how to hire and fire and nurture your team – because that’s what they want to hear about.
3. Create a story bank
Understand the specific RESULTS your client wants to have. Then write a list of times you or your clients have created that result.
Let’s say you help coaches and consultants grow to multiple six figures with mindset & simple strategy, as I do. I could talk about the time I’ve hit $50k months (multiple six-figures result), about how I’ve manifested over $100k at a time (mindset), and how I have attracted $9,000 coaching clients to me with organic marketing (simple strategy).
4. Go to your people
Figure out where your ideal clients are hanging out. This could be online or offline, though online is easier! Usually it’s in Facebook groups. Look for groups that have a good number of people (ideally 5k+). Make sure there is decent engagement on the posts. And make sure long form value posts are allowed.
Also – check the questions in the group to work out whether the average member is at the level of your ideal client – there’s no point in posting about how to grow a 7-figure team to a group full of newbies trying to figure out their brand colours!
5. Post every day
I like to pre-write 5 posts at the end of the week for the upcoming week (in fact right now I am in Whole Foods sitting with a cold-brew typing up this post!) That way I go into my week and no matter what fires hit I have my posts ready to copy-paste.
This REALLY helps – last week I didn’t manage to pre-write my posts and I got so busy launching my YouTube channel that I only managed to post 3x, meaning 40% LESS people saw my message 📷:(
6. Engage back
The FB algorithm likes comments, so as soon as you’ve seen someone comment, reply back. Even if it’s just “Thanks” or “You’re welcome”. You’re doubling your engagement and so FB will see that post as more popular, and show it to more people.
7. Stay Consistent
This has been my only marketing strategy all year, and it’s taken me a while to nail in my message to exactly what MY ideal clients want to hear. The moment I did that I went from 2-3 comments to 200-300 comments, literally overnight. I did immediately start seeing friend requests, but it took about 2-3 weeks of posting super relevant posts to get a steady stream of incoming work requests.
Now I’m getting 20+ friend requests a day, of which at least half are ideal clients. Of these, 6 people in the last week alone reached out to me in their first message asking specifically to discuss coaching together.
So that’s how I managed to blow up my engagement to a reach of around 1000-2000 estimated views per post (based on double the Likes I get… maybe I am getting more views than this!)
But how did I reach 1 MILLION people in September?
Here’s my FAVOURITE step!
8. Set your intention
For years now, I’ve been journaling my goals every day. What I write becomes spookily true. I’m talking multiple dream homes, team members, income, even health issues miraculously starting to clear. Now for a few months I was writing “My work reaches millions” every day, more as a lifetime goal than anything else.
When you focus on your goals every day, and FEEL how they would feel, you send that positive energy out to the world!
This is a post from a mastermind group – great advice! Thank you to Kary for sharing!!
Nancy Anderberg 💕💜